Ted Walker

The web site of our dreams

Ted Walker
The web site of our dreams

As indicated by the Web Vault, we love a website that is cram-packed with content of every kind, that twists and turns, revealing dusty corners, passion projects, dead ends.

I’ve tried to build a few over the years. One of those was Double-Not, a sort of diary-slash-catch-all for snippets and links. Slap a repeating image of Japanese home run king Sadaharu Oh on the cover and you’re off to the races. Part of me feels like the more you want your website to be strange and unwieldly, the less likely it will be. It is in working towards some other ambition that a wacky web space emerges.

Where else should one capture, for example, the brief but noteworthy tale of Molly “Old Mom” Rinker?

I’ll probably migrate some of this amazing content to this site, which come to think of it, in the course of making 115 episodes of a podcast I think we may have gone and created the very jumbled, chaotic, hopefully occasionally pleasant web space we envisioned.